Seles Mild Stainless Steel Floor Scales, industrial-use scales on the floor.
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Weighing plate, hygienic and easy to clean
Lacquered steel weighing bridge corrugated steel plate. Extremely resistant to bending due to material thickness
4 Load cells, steel, ilicone-coated, IP67-IP68 for TFS, stainless steel load cell selectable
Level indicator and levelling feet for precise levelling of the scale
Easy access to the junction box from the top
Comfortable levelling of the weighing bridge from the top
5m load cell cable
Mild Stainless Steel
EC type approved 600 kg / 1500 kg / 3000 kg
Platform Size
1000×1000 mm
1200×1200 mm
1200×1500 mm
1500×1500 mm
1500×2000 mm
Operation Temprature
-10C /+ 40C
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Murbay has been selling and manufacturing products since 1989.
Seles Mild Stainless Steel Floor Scales
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